Faith and the Climate Crisis

Posted on 21. May, 2020 in Christian Values, Community, Ecology, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values

Dr Lorna Gold is a Scottish-Irish academic, climate campaigner and author. She also works for Trócaire and has been heavily involved in their climate campaign. Inspired by Laudato Si’ she will be hosting, “A Love Letter to the Earth” on May 24th, celebrating the fifth anniversary its publication. Here she talks with Miriam Gormally about faith and […]

The Woman at the Well

Posted on 07. May, 2020 in Christian Values, Community, Faith and Justice, Feminism/Women in the Church

We continue our “Women of the Cross” series. This time we are listening to the story of The Woman at the Well and how Jesus turned her life around. Like the others, she is a woman of God, who was present in Jesus’s life; whose story is often told but not always heard. We are very […]

Help for South Sudan

Posted on 30. Apr, 2020 in Christian Values, Community, Faith and Justice, Humanitarian Aid

Families in the refugee camp in Maban, South Sudan, where Irish Jesuit Tony O’Riordan works, have one bar of soap to last them a month – just one of the challenges facing refugees as the government of one of the poorest countries in the world struggles to keep the coronavirus at bay. Tony O’Riordan is […]

Trócaire’s response to Covid-19

Posted on 09. Apr, 2020 in Christian Values, Faith and Justice

Covid-19 has shaken China, America and most of Europe. It is now moving into Africa, where the numbers infected have been rising. So far though the virus seems to be moving more slowly in Africa than on other continents and there were some hope that countries in Africa might be more resilient, having younger populations. […]

God in the Wilderness

Posted on 09. Apr, 2020 in Christian Values, Community, Faith and Justice, Vocation

During this time of difficulties where many are asking where is God, Mike Drennan SJ, Director of Manresa, counsellor and spiritual director, takes a look at finding God in Wilderness. Drawing on stories from the Bible where people were often put into challenging circumstances and had to dig deep to reflect on the meaning of […]

Faith and Hope

Posted on 19. Mar, 2020 in Ecology, Economy, Environment, Faith and Justice, Natural Disasters

Our daily diet of news headlines these days seems to be concentrated on world disasters making us ask the question, ‘Where is God in all of this?’ In this piece from the archives, we look at the importance of hope – especially important these days. So how do we keep going, and continue to find hope?  Eileen […]

Querida Amazonia critique

Posted on 05. Mar, 2020 in Church Teachings, Community, Faith and Justice, Feminism/Women in the Church, Sexuality

Professor Tina Beattie, Professor of Catholic Studies at Roehampton University, delivered a lecture entitled “Listening to the Essence of Things”: Theology, language and meaning in the context of Laudato Si’ and Querida Amazonia on 19 February 2020 at The Loyola Institute, Trinity College Dublin. In this first of a two part series, we hear her […]

Carbon Fast for Lent

Posted on 27. Feb, 2020 in Christian Values, Climate Change, Community, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Environment, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, Nature

Lent is a time to draw connections between our spirituality and the ecology around us, so says, Brendan McManus SJ, who has been exploring meaningful ways in which to make a difference this Lent. After some searching, he came across the idea of a carbon fast for Lent. However he says that the most important […]

Understanding the Elections

Posted on 13. Feb, 2020 in Community, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, Politicians

The success of Sinn Féin in the last elections changed the political landscape of Ireland. It was unexpected, arguably even to the party themselves and left many wondering what was going on. Kevin Hargaden is a theologian with the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice in Dublin. His is the author of Theological Ethics in a […]

Voting as a Christian

Posted on 06. Feb, 2020 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Faith and Justice

  Gerry O’Hanlon SJ, Jesuit theologian, speaks to Pat Coyle on the consideration of various Christian issues for the upcoming general election on Saturday, 8 February, 2020. He discusses the latest statement from the four Archbishops of Ireland and the document from the Irish Inter-Church meeting. He talks about the need for a new type […]