St. Valentine

Posted on 12. Feb, 2015 in Saints

Whitefriar Street Church, in the centre of Dublin, is home to the relics of St. Valentine. It is the only place, outside of Rome to have any relics of the saint. The church is run by the Irish Province of Carmelites and they have seen a resurgence in interest in St. Valentine, especially in the […]

The meaning of Spring

Posted on 05. Feb, 2015 in Community, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Nature, Saints

Spring is a season, bringing fresh life and new hope, beginning with St. Brigid’s Day.  It is a time of renewal and planting, something that is well known to Sr. Pauline McGrath, a Dominican sister who lives and works down in An Tairseach. An Tairseach is an organic farm where the Dominican sister live and […]

Beatification of Chiara Lubich

Posted on 29. Jan, 2015 in Community, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel Values, Saints, Young people

With interest and excitement members and friends of the Focolare in Ireland and all over the world have welcomed the news that their founder Chiara Lubich has begun the journey towards beatification. The beatification takes place in Rome where Msgr. Raffaello Martinelli has chosen the Cathedral of Frascati, for the official opening of the “process on the life, […]

An Ecumenical Saint?

Posted on 20. Nov, 2014 in Saints, Uncategorized

On Friday November 7th, Pope Francis approved the recommendation of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints that Father John Sullivan, S.J.(1861-1933), be declared Venerable. Fr Conor Harper SJ, welcomed the good news saying that “there are still thousand of people who are convinced that he points the way to God and to the healing […]

Papal Canonisation

Posted on 22. May, 2014 in Saints, Uncategorized

Last month hundreds of thousands of people gathered at Rome to witness the canonisation of two great figures of 20th-century Roman Catholicism. An estimated 3,000 Irish people joined them; Michael Kelly, editor of the Irish Catholic was among them. Here he talks with Miriam Gormally about the event and the significance of the occasion in […]

The Women Of Easter

Posted on 17. Apr, 2014 in Christian Values, Easter, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel Values, Holy Week, Lent, Liturgy, Saints, Seasons of the Church Year

  The Women of Easter: When we think of Good Friday we might wonder what happened since he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, or the crowd calling out ‘crucify him’ or we might turn our attention to Pilot, to the soldiers or to Simon who helped Jesus carry his cross.  Dr Noirín Ní Riain talked […]

Heart of Love

Posted on 11. Oct, 2012 in Church Teachings, Saints

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux has become one of the best known and best loved of modern saints and has had a profound influence on the spirituality of the twentieth century. Miriam Gormally spoke with Eugene McCaffrey OCD who recently ran a retreat on St Thérèse for her feast day at the end of September. Miriam […]

Prayer of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

Posted on 11. Oct, 2012 in Church Teachings, Saints

Eugene McCaffrey OCD reads the prayer of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux for Spiritual Childhood.

From Excommunication to Sainthood

Posted on 05. Jul, 2012 in Church Teachings, Saints, Uncategorized

St Mary MacKillop, founder of the Sister of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart is Australia’s first and only saint. She was also amongst the Patron Saints for the Congress. Josepha Smith interviewed Sr Maureen Cahill, herself a Sister of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, about this remarkable woman, who had her fair share […]

St. Jean Vianney

Posted on 08. Jul, 2009 in Achievement, Saints

St. Jean Vianney was a French Parish Priest who became the Patron Saint for Parish Priests.  He became famous internationally for his priestly and pastoral work in his parish due to the radical spiritual transformation of the community and its surroundings.  Fr Eamonn Bourke is Director of Vocations for the Dublin Diocese, he recently spoke […]