Response from Bangladesh

Posted on 25. Jun, 2015 in Church Teachings, Climate Change, Ecology, Environment, Gospel Values, Natural Disasters, Nature

Climate change in Bangladesh is an extremely crucial issue. According to National Geographic, it is the  nation most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change in the coming decades. Bishop Theotonius Gomes, Auxiliary Bishop of Dhaka, Bangladesh was at the Trócaire conference on climate change. Here he talks with Miriam Gormally about the impact the climate change […]

A Scientific response to Encyclical

Posted on 25. Jun, 2015 in Church Teachings, Climate Change, Ecology, Environment, Gospel Values

Since the release of the Pope’s latest Encyclical, some conservative politicians in the US have said that that the Pope ought to stay out of science. Miriam Gormally spoke with Prof John Sweeney, a climate change expert, about the pope’s encyclical and whether it was something that could appeal to the scientific community as well […]

Caring for our Environment

Posted on 18. Jun, 2015 in Christian Values, Climate Change, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Economy, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, Nature

Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical focuses heavily on climate change and asks us all to protect our “common home”. This emphasis on ecology comes as no surprise to Jacqueline Kelleher who works in the Heritage Walled Garden in the Avila Centre in Dublin. The project was developed in order to create a community in the urban […]

Climate Change Conference

Posted on 11. Jun, 2015 in Climate Change, Community, Ecology, Economy, Environment, Gospel Values, Nature

2015 is a critical year in addressing the impending climate emergency and charting a path towards a more sustainable future, culminating in the UN Summit (COP21) in Paris in December. Trócaire is holding a major international conference on 22 June – 23 June 2015, co-hosted by Maynooth University and St Patrick’s College Maynooth which will bring […]

Trócaire Box

Posted on 05. Mar, 2015 in Climate Change, Faith and Justice, Gospel Values, Lent, Natural Disasters

Every Lent, the Trócaire boxes arrive to remind us to share what fortune we have with those who are less well off. This year the focus is on adapting to a changing climate, something which is hitting the developing world more and with graver consequences.  Communities in developing countries are suffering from ongoing extreme water […]

Preventing Fracking

Posted on 09. Oct, 2014 in Climate Change, EcoCongregations, Nature

Good Energy Alliance Ireland is the only non-profit Environmental NGO in Ireland dealing mainly with fracking and climate change. They have been instrumental in campaigning against various oil companies who want to use fracking in Leitrim and Northern Ireland to extract oil. Miriam Gormally spoke with Dr Aideen McLoughlin, director of Good Energy Alliance Ireland […]

Climate Change Summit

Posted on 25. Sep, 2014 in Climate Change

Irish Development organization Trócaire has warned that failure to take decisive action to combat climate change would be like “sentencing millions of the world’s poor to death”. Lorna Gold, Head of Policy and Advocacy at Trócaire, was at the UN Climate Change Summit in New York on Tuesday September 23rd. She had called on Taoiseach […]

El Salvador

Posted on 01. Oct, 2008 in Climate Change, Ecology, Environment

Every year we hear more about the effect of climate change. Martha Yvette Aguilar is a contributing researcher with the Intergovernmental panel on climate change and has over ten years experience in shaping El Salvador’s national and international environmental policies. She spoke with Miriam Gormally about the changes that have been recorded and noticed in […]