Alzheimer Cafe

Posted on 06. Nov, 2014 in Charity, Chronic illness

Alzheimer Cafes provide a warm and welcoming space for people with dementia, their family and friends and social and health care professionals to meet, exchange insights and ideas. They are run for a few hours on the same evening each month and are led by a mix of organisations, professionals, carers, people with dementia and […]


Posted on 04. Sep, 2014 in Health

Fr. Gerry Campbell, parish priest of Kilkerley, near Dundalk is preparing to celebrate 25 years as a priest but says he has had a new lease to his life and work thanks to the “Unbound Ministry”. Describing it as a way of releasing the soul from negative experience in the past, he says it is […]

Spiritual Care of the Sick

Posted on 03. Jul, 2014 in Death, Health

Spiritual Care of the sick is a new field in Applied Spirituality. Professor Eckhard Frick SJ is a doctor, psychoanalyst and psychiatrist and the first Professor of Spiritual Care in Europe in the University of Munich. He was in All Hallows College, Dublin recently to give a public talk on this new field and health […]

Helping Children Living with Autism

Posted on 21. Mar, 2014 in Christian Values, Eating Disorder, Education, Health, Mental Health, Music Therapy, Young people

Dr Goodwin McDonnell is a practicing GP who along with a great many of the medical profession have committed themselves to help children and families who are living with autism and related life challenging illnesses. Dr. Goodwin is not just a GP but also a homeopath, and approaches his medical practice with an integrative approach […]

Elma Walsh

Posted on 05. Dec, 2013 in Chronic illness, Death, Grief, Health, Prayer, Relationships, Suicide, Volunteering

Elma Walsh, mother of Donal Walsh who passed on long before his time, speaks bravely here with Fr Alan Neville MSC about Donal’s final message before his passing.  Donal Walsh, the Kerry teenager who touched so many lives when he came to prominence through his writings and subsequent appearance on Brendan O’Connor’s ‘The Saturday Night […]

World Aids Day 2013

Posted on 28. Nov, 2013 in Charity, Community, Health, HIV/Aids

This year to mark World Aids Day, Trocaire will be presenting a special photographic exhibition. World Aids Day, Sunday 1st Dec 2013       World Aids Day is an internationally recognised day to raise awareness about  the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV and to […]

Steven Ertelt from

Posted on 10. Oct, 2013 in Church Teachings, Health

Steven Ertelt talks to Conor Deane about how in the US abortion is actually in decline and clinics are closing down due to much greater scrutiny than ever before. As the founder and Editor of, Steven Ertelt has provided the pro-life community with news via the Internet since 1993. He also serves on the […]

Coping with Cancer

Posted on 23. Mar, 2012 in Cancer, Health

Not the Year you had Planned, is a positive self help book by Cathy McCarthy looking at her own cancer journey. In it she looks at the practical, emotional and spiritual aspects of her illness. She spoke with Miriam Gormally about her experience explaining that her hope was that this book could play a positive […]

Dealing with Death

Posted on 11. Nov, 2011 in Hospice

Miriam Gormally spoke with Ethna Hyland about how she managed to deal with the loss of three children and her husband Tom.

Help for Carers

Posted on 03. Nov, 2011 in Hospice

Here Marie Lynch from the Hospice Foundation talks with Miriam Gormally about the needs of carers. What are their own needs in looking after somebody who is facing the end of their life?