Speak Out for Reform

Posted on 22. Nov, 2018 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel Values, Humane Vitae, Liturgy, Sexuality, Vocation

In this two part series, Joe Mulvaney talks about his new book, Speak Out for Reform in the Catholic Church. In this first part he talks about his own life and reservations with the Church, how he left ordained ministry and married his wife Maureen. He says that after Vatican Two there was hope that the […]

The Pope’s Visit

Posted on 16. Aug, 2018 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Climate Change, Feminism/Women in the Church, Humane Vitae, Pope Francis

In this piece from earlier this year, we remember some of the excitement expressed by Irish Jesuit theologian Gerry O’Hanlon that Pope Francis would travel to Ireland from 25 to 26 August this year and that he would be very welcome. The visit is timed to coincide with the World Meeting of Families in Dublin, with […]

A Priest’s Life

Posted on 21. Sep, 2017 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Sexuality, Vocation

Thirty-Three Good Men looks at the lives of thirty-three Irish Catholic diocesan priests and former priests during a period of significant change in the Irish Church, 1960–2010. The book explores the lived reality of Irish diocesan priests and how they experience celibacy and obedience in modern Ireland. It also looks at how they understand their […]

The Joy of Love

Posted on 30. Mar, 2017 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Gospel Values, Humane Vitae

In Amoris Laetitia, “The Joy of Love”, Pope Francis argues that the early teachings of the Church did not subscribe to the ascetic duality of body bad, soul good, that they rejected those teachings, saying both were a whole. In fact “holiness” was about the integration of things of the body and things of the […]

Remembering Bishop Eamonn Casey

Posted on 16. Mar, 2017 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Community

Bishop Eamonn Casey was one of the most colourful characters in the Church in Ireland. He was universally admired and respected for his work abroad and on behalf of social justice movements. However when the news broke in 1992 that he had fathered a son, Peter with an American woman Annie Murphy, the state was […]

Supporting Fr Flannery

Posted on 02. Feb, 2017 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel Values, Sexuality

Redemptorist priest, Fr. Tony Flannery recently celebrated Mass after a five-year ban. “We are Church Ireland” say they fully support his decision to celebrate a public Mass on Sunday on January 22nd in Killimordaly,  Co. Galway. This conscientious decision taken by Fr. Flannery on the occasion of his 70th birthday ignores the sanction of the Roman Congregation for […]

Radical and Free

Posted on 17. Nov, 2016 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Ecology, Nature

Radical and Free: Musings on Religious Life by Brian O’Leary SJ is a book that looks at the values underpinning religious vows. In this interview with Pat Coyle, he says that his musings can be used by religious as well as lay people. Following on from the call of Pope Francis to celebrate the Year of […]

Understanding Amoris Laetitia

Posted on 06. Oct, 2016 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Community, Gospel Values

Ever since Pope Francis released a sweeping document on the family this March, there’s been ongoing discussion regarding what the conclusion actually is for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics who, according to previous Church teaching, were barred from receiving Communion. The bishops of the Buenos Aires region have drafted a set of guidelines meant to help […]

What is Love?

Posted on 07. Jul, 2016 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Church Teachings, Community, Conflict, Gospel Values, Humane Vitae, Sexuality

“What is love?” is one of the most asked questions says Peter Perrin, course director of the Nazareth Family Institute.  They runs course on marriage preparation and communication between couples and Peter says that conceptions around love can be very confusing in the modern world. Romantic feelings of desire and happiness are often mistaken for being […]

Who will Break the Bread?

Posted on 02. Jun, 2016 in Celibacy/Sexuality, Christian Values, Church Teachings, Community, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel Values, Sexuality, Vocation

“Who will Break the Bread for us?” is the title of Fr Brendan Hoban’s book. Spokesperson of the Association of Catholic Priests, he looks at the future of priesthood in Ireland. He says that there simply won’t be enough priest in the near future and that bringing in priests from other countries won’t necessarily be […]