Spiritual Tourism

Posted on 22. Jun, 2017 in Church Teachings, Climate Change, Community, Ecology, Environment, Nature

Bernadette Flanagan PBVM is chair of the board of SpIRE, The Spirituality Institute for Research and Education which has been established to serve the spiritual seeking of people and contribute to the academic study of spirituality in higher education. For the last fifteen years they have been organising a very popular summer school from 21-25th of […]

Celebrating Holy Wells

Posted on 25. May, 2017 in Christian Values, Climate Change, Community, Ecology, Nature

  National Holy Well Day will take place on June 18th in celebration of the sacred nature of water. On that day, people will gather at a well near them and spend some time in prayer and reflection to reignite an ancient and deep connection with water. Early Celtic Christian had a harmonious relationship with […]

Moving from Fossil Fuels

Posted on 27. Oct, 2016 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Climate Change, Community, EcoCongregations

On the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Catholic institutions and communities from all over the world celebrated the month-long Season of Creation with the largest joint announcement of their decision to divest from fossil fuels. Major Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and Anglican organisations came together between September 1st (World Day of Prayer for Creation) and […]

Loving Sister Earth

Posted on 08. Sep, 2016 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Climate Change, Community, Ecology, Environment, Faith Groups

“Everything is interconnected, and this invites us to develop a spirituality of that global solidarity which flows from the mystery of the Trinity.” This is the quote from Pope Francis which inspires Loving Sister Earth. On Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th October, they will be leading creative prayer rituals, which will be live streamed globally […]

Theological Revolution

Posted on 08. Sep, 2016 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Climate Change, Community, Ecology, Environment, Nature, Recycling

Inspired by Laudato Si’, Frank Sammon, SJ has established a ‘Care for Our Common Home’ based in Rathgar Parish. The group aims to promote the encyclical’s message both within Rathgar parish, and in the greater Dublin region. It hopes to stimulate discussion on key issues such as climate justice, and to translate such discussion into […]

Climate Change: the Christian Calling

Posted on 07. Jan, 2016 in Christian Values, Church Teachings, Climate Change, Community, Ecology, Economy, Environment, Nature

The recent United Nations climate change conference in Paris in December was declared by Francois Hollande as a “revolution for climate change.”  150 presidents and prime ministers were present, the largest ever single-day gathering of heads of state. Éamonn Meehan, Executive Director of Trócaire, was also present representing the Christian obligation to remember the poorest […]

Climate Change Challenge

Posted on 12. Nov, 2015 in Climate Change, Nature

2015 is a critical year in addressing the impending climate emergency and charting a path towards a more sustainable future, culminating in the UN Summit (COP21) in Paris in, starting on November 30th. Climate change, and the injustice it represents, is one of the most serious challenges facing humanity. But while the evidence of human-made […]

Out of Wonder

Posted on 09. Jul, 2015 in Christian Values, Climate Change, Community, EcoCongregations, Ecology, Economy, Environment, Health, Nature

Nellie McLoughlin rsm has worked all her life in the area of cosmology, ecology and sustainable living. Her love of life and her early interest in geology/geography, was nurtured through learning and reflecting on life’s experience. She taught on the MA in Ecology and Religion Programme at Dalgan Park, Navan, Ireland. Her book ‘Out of […]

Building Momentum

Posted on 02. Jul, 2015 in Christian Values, Climate Change, Natural Disasters, Nature

Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Laudato Si’, on Care of our Common Home”, places a moral imperative on all of us to consider how we look after the planet. Ciara Kirrane, organiser of Trocáire’s recent climate change conference talked about the need to build on the momentum of the conference and how the moral argument for action […]

Preventing Climate Change

Posted on 25. Jun, 2015 in Church Teachings, Climate Change, Ecology, Environment, Faith and Justice, Nature, Recycling

w The Pope’s latest encyclical “Laudato si” takes a very grim assessment of the current environmental crisis. In it he say, “The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.” On climate change, he writes, “A very solid scientific consensus indicates that we are presently witnessing a disturbing warming […]