Posted on 29. Sep, 2016 in Art, Christian Values, Community, Feminism/Women in the Church, Gospel Values
Surrender – one of Doris Klein’s works Doris Klein is a member of the Congregation of Sisters of Agnes. She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and ministers as a spiritual director, artist and graphic designer. She says she never considered herself to be an artist until one day she found that her drawings and watercolours were inspiring other. People saw […]
Posted on 09. Jun, 2016 in Caring for Children, Community, Death
Losing a child is one of the most heart breaking things for a parent to experience. Anam Cara was set up by Sharon Vard when she lost her own daughter Rachel and found that there was no support group for bereaved parents. They offer peer support by way of a bereavement group. They meet informally […]
Posted on 19. May, 2016 in Art, Church Teachings, Nature
At the recent Soul Waves Radio AGM Brendan Staunton SJ gave a talk on the Church and Art talking about how the Church has used Art to communicate its message. He also looked at how art had to adapt itself with the advent of photography. He says the Church could learn from modern and contemporary art […]
Posted on 10. Mar, 2016 in Art, Book Reviews, Christian Values, Spirituality, War / Civil Unrest
Well-known author Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) may have been an atheist, but she nonetheless had a rich and deep spirituality, according to Professor Stephanie Paulsell of the Harvard Divinity School. She spoke in Milltown Park on March 8, at the invitation of SpIRE, the Spirituality Institute for Research and Education. Professor Paulsell described Woolf’s family ties […]
Posted on 19. Nov, 2015 in Achievement, Art, Death, Education
Michael Paul Gallagher, a Jesuit and Renaissance man who was a renowned author and academic recently passed away. Last week we played a piece from the archives on his work on imagination and belief and this week we hear form Brendan Stauntan SJ who was a friend and colleague. He begins by talking about how […]
Posted on 29. Oct, 2015 in Art, Nature
Last week we spoke with Eve Parnell about her Italian collection of art work from her exhibition Postcard to Ireland in the RDS library. This week we look at her exhibition from German and Finland. Here she draws on the themes of compassion and the universality of our human natures. In her German exhibition she […]
Posted on 22. Oct, 2015 in Art, Christian Values, Church Teachings
Having just exhibited her work throughout Europe, Eve Parnell brings her current exhibition, A Postcard to Ireland, to the RDS.
Characterised by a sense of wonder at the world along with the people, nature and objects that lie within it, A Postcard to Ireland also taps into Eve’s appreciation of her faith and of religious […]
Posted on 20. Aug, 2015 in Different abilities, Down Syndrome
Expecting a new baby in the family is a time of great joy and expectation. Unfortunately for some families, this joy is turned to sadness when they hear the news that the baby has Down Syndrome. Michael McCormack and his wife had this experience when their third child Megan was born. He recalled the moment […]
Posted on 11. Jun, 2015 in Art, Book review, Christian Values, Education
A book of Donegal photos by the renowned Fr Browne was launched at Donegal County Museum in association with Messenger Publications on Thursday June 11. Jesuit photographer Father Frank Browne, famous for his photos of the Titanic, was a regular visitor to Donegal between 1920s to late 1940s, where he gave missions in parishes around the […]
Posted on 07. May, 2015 in Art, Community, Ecology
Catherine McCann has lead a very eventful life, including doing a phd at 70 and travelling to India to deepen her spirituality at 81. She is also the founder and owner of the Shekina Sculpture Garden Shakina garden in the Glenmalure Valley, close to the Avonbeg river and under the shadows of Fannierin mountain in […]